Flower Power!
Infant Leaders spread happiness throughout the community!
Despite the weather, the Infant Leaders managed to get out and around the village knocking on doors to donate a small bunch of flowers to people in our community. The campaign we agreed on was to do what we could to spread happiness to those around us. The pupils were extremely polite and enjoyed interacting with the different people. Well done guys!
Having undertaken three different refresher courses in Health and Safety this week, I do feel quite overloaded with everything Fire, Asbestos and Premises related. However, there was still enough time to pop into classes to see what the children have been learning and how well the staff have been teaching it to them. Lots of Owl and Panda facts, Division by Sharing, Phonics and Sentence-Level Writing was taking place. It was also nice to see the different types of artwork being created. The children were clearly being taught different skills and then applying them within their own creations across the different ages.
Can I politely remind people that we expect all our visitors to our site to behave appropriately, because we want all our children to see positive role models and correct conduct from adults. Unfortunately, I am aware of an unpleasant incident that happened earlier in the week and I do hope that is the end of the matter now and will not be repeated.
Next week is National Storytelling Week, so staff next Friday will be hosting a carousel of different books that they will read and children can select the person they go to listen to. If they are lucky, I may even use the Shake your Stories device to help me create my own unique tale.
Hopefully, the weather will improve. Have a great weekend everyone!