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Where in the world?

Spring term - let's get moving!

The Ladybirds returned to school this week and they were eager to begin our new topic work.  This term we will be learning some interesting science and geography facts, as we globe-trot around the world. During the first week in our geography lesson, we have been recalling and sharing facts about significant landmarks. In science, the children have been out and about looking for signs of life in our outdoor areas. Despite it being extremely cold, we spotted several different species of birds. We will be using the warmth and comfort of our classroom, to continue to observe the robins and blackbirds that use the hedge directly outside our classroom. Our ready-made bird hide should reveal that not only are the children actively engaged completing their work, but that the birds are also very busy making nests and finding food to survive. We are hoping to help the wildlife next week when we make fat balls for them.