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Harvest Donations

Generous Donations for Harvest Festival!

It has been another busy week across the school as we enter the final few days before our first half-term. I have enjoyed going into classes to see the level of challenge available to pupils and speaking to different children regarding their understanding of challenge. They were all very articulate and able to tell me what they could do if they found their work challenging and could happily share that despite some learning being tough, they knew once they had been taught it, it was much easier. It is pleasing to see children being pushed no matter what their ability with challenging tasks being undertaken in all classes.  

Children have been enjoying some natural materials in Reception by exploring our outdoor nature area. Please make sure the children have a spare pair of wellies they can leave here on their pegs for going into our outdoor spaces. 

Next week, we have our parent-teacher meetings where we hope to see all parents engaging with the class teachers to discuss how the start of the year has gone for their children. If you have not already signed up for an appointment, please do so. Like last year, the Federation will be coming together in the Church for Harvest Festival. Thank you so much for the donations towards it. 

Please remember our school is still open on Friday 25th October because we altered our academic calendar this year. We did let all parents know this in July 2024. Please ensure your children are at school, even if other schools are closed. Friday 25th October is also PTFA Doughnut Day, not to mention another day of sporting enrichment, so please ensure your children are wearing sports' clothing. 

Have a great weekend everyone!