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Premier Sports Virtual Archery Competition for all to enjoy!

Well done to all our Infant children today who took part in their first virtual Archery competition. I was amazed at how strong some of the children were at such a young age. Clearly, some have been going to the gym and lifting weights over the Christmas holidays. I was also very encouraged to see how accurate the children were from their efforts to get their arrows on target. Bonus points were awarded for the arrow that struck Mrs. Stokes. Thank you to Premier for offering it to us. We await to see how well our results do against other schools taking part themselves.

This week, we also benefitted from our local Police Officers, PC. Martin and PC. Ball, who came to show the children across the school how they help us. The Reception children got to play about in the squad car too, which made me jump when the siren went off. Bumble Bees were also shown a presentation on what the Police can help with and trained the children to only call them for emergencies. They encouraged the children to learn their addresses, in case they ever needed to ring 999. Lots of aspiring Police Officers were forged from their visit. Thank you to them for taking the time to pop in. 

I have enjoyed covering some Phonics sessions this week and undertaking some handwriting tasks. I had forgotten how hard it was to form letters perfectly. The children were really doing their best.Keep up the practice everyone!

In a couple of weeks it is National Storytelling Week, so lots of stories will be read to children. I hope the children enjoy them, because we all know how important developing a lifelong love of reading is. 

Have a great weekend everyone!